It's the Rock and Roll run that started it all for Scott and me. This will be our 3rd year running the Vegas strip. Currently preparing for the 13.1. Past 2 weeks I've been averaging 25 miles with one run being 10 miles. One more 10 miler and I get to cut back to easy fun runs, then it will be Vegas time.
It's always a harder run then expected. It's not as flat as you'd think and the past two years it's been windy. But you do the Rock and Roll Series for the excuse to travel and Vegas is always a fun place to travel too.
Vegas!!! Part 2
Day 1
We not only survived our Rock and Roll Vegas #3 but we thrived.
Scott and I flew down to Vegas on Sat. Nov. 11, arrived at 9 am check in at the convention center for our (2) run. Yes this year we decided to do the 5K run Saturday night as well as the 10K (Scott) and 1/2 (Janice) Sunday night. After checking in we went to our hotel TI, chilled a bit then headed down to the 5k start line. The 5k start is across from the SLS casion at the far end of the strip.

The 5k is a "not" so scenic out and back down by the Stratosphere, if this is your only run while your in Vegas be sure to plan some other adventures. It is not the most exciting run! But it is a good warm up for the 10K, 1/2 mar, or Full marathon the following day .
Day 2
One thing different from the Vegas runs from all others is the start times. Most Runs start in the a.m. except for the Vegas runs. And it can and will throw you if you have done organized runs before. If this is your first run, enjoy the late start, personally I think all fun runs should start in the evening, but don't get use to it this is the only one. Your next one you'll be heading to the starting line for a 7 am start. So enjoy your Vegas start time: 4:30 p.m. heat #1. There will be at least 3 heats so your start time will be anywhere from 4:30p.m. to 6 p.m. And there will be people, a lot of people. There was an estimated 30,000 runners this year.

Getting Around!
Run day can be challenging, and if you have never done a large organized run there are a few thing to keep in mind.
1. Use the Tram. The tram will be your travel life saver on the the day of the run. This year we timed our tram purchase so we could by the 24 hr and it worked for both the 5k Saturday night and 10K and 1/2 on Sunday. Be prepared for crowded trams, if you want to beat the crowd I suggest going at least 2.5 to 3 hrs before start time. Or you can embrace the Vegas experience and hang out in your casino a little longer and be one with the other tram riders.
2. Everyone is there for the same reason, except for a small few we are all weekend runners and the name of the day is FUN
3. It is actually impossible to get lost, so don't let your nerves get the best of you. If you start to feel disoriented just look for others with race # on their shirts and follow them. Works every time
4. There is not punishment for being late, going to the wrong corral, or standing in the wrong line. You may run into some fool who thinks there should be, but it's Vegas and it's a fun run and those ding dongs need to go relax and have a drink. Unless of course it's security telling you to go somewhere else. I then suggest you do it.
The Run!
This was by far my best year of running the Vegas Rock and Roll. The #1 factor being the weather. The past two years were windy, and not just a little windy, I'm talking about blowing you back down the street windy. It made the first 7 miles fly by but the last 6.5 were brutal. On top of the wind the Strip is actually 100 ft gain or loss from one end to the other. 100 ft doesn't seem like much if your in a car but makes a difference when running. Running up those last miles in the wind made this run my #1 least favorite runs to do. So much so that I questioned going back the past 2 years Yet I did, both times.
This year the weather was perfect for running. The Vegas wind was just enough to cool you down while you headed back up the strip, the 100 ft inclined seemed much more doable without the wind and I think my month of weekly 10 milers helped as well. Overall I finished my 13.1 miles feeling pretty good this year
Post Race!
Scott finished his 10K, showered and was waiting for me as I crossed the finish line. After I got cleaned up we went to our favorite at Vegas burger joint the LVB in the Mirage. Not sure why it's our favorite, most likely because we have always been really hungry when we have eaten there so everything taste so good. After dinner we did Vegas for a couple of hours then called it a night. Overall I'd give it a 8 on the Fun Day scale.

We try to go hiking at Red Rock whenever we are in Vegas.
This year we decided to hike the Keystone Thrust. It was just a little more than a mile out with a few hills and a bit of rock scrambling. They list it as moderate, I'd rank it easy moderate. Red Rock is always a great place to go when the strip becomes overwhelming. A car will be needed, but once you get there you will be happy you did. If your not up for hiking you can just drive the loop, but if you are like us you'll want to get out and see the landscape. There are plenty of hiking options to choose from, ranging from Easy (a easy stroll) to Strenuous (Scrambling and unmarked trails) hiking fun for everyone can be found at Red Rock.

After Red Rock we made a quick trip to Hoover Dam. I am always left with a sense of wonder when visiting Hoover. The man power required back in the late 1920 early 30's to build such a project in 3 years is a testament to what man can accomplish when given the opportunity and resources. First half of our day we spent in wonderment of Mother nature, and the second half we stood amazed at what man can accomplish when we work together. I give this day a 10 for the beauty and wonderment of the day.
After Hoover Dam we headed to the Airport and back to Portland. It's always good to be home. But 2 day later and I miss the Sun of Nevada and the carelessness of Vegas. Always glad to go always relieved to leave and always ready to go back!