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Once in a Lifetime Adventure


Some adventures are just to big for a forum!  We want to hear all about the details: Starting with the  first day you imagined it, thr0ugh all the preparations, and especially the day of anticipation!  Tell Us Everything!

Into The Forest We Go

Sept 17, 2019 Jolene and I embarked on our First unsupervised Backpacking Adventure. We decided on Snowgrass Flat and Goat Lake Loop in...

First Time Backpacking! Gear Reveiw

My first time backpacking required several gear purchases. I'd never backpack before so I tried to keep my purchase price moderate. ...

The Start of it All!

And Just Like That The Kids Are Gone! I was standing in the grocery isle buying my youngest son's first grocery staples when a text/video...

First Spartan Trifecta!

In the fall of 2018 my sister Karin, my Daughter Mandy and I decided it was time to complete a Spartan Trifecta. In order to achieve our...

First Triathlon at 54

I have always been active and fit. In my 20s and early 30s I ran marathons, commuter biked with 2 young kids and taught fitness classes....

Travel Triathlon

Over the years we have traveled thru Europe, the United States and several different Tropical locations. We have enjoyed sight seeing and...

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