And Just Like That The Kids Are Gone!
I was standing in the grocery isle buying my youngest son's first grocery staples when a text/video came thru my phone of my oldest son returning from his first Navy tour. I stood there and cried. So many emotions ran thru me as other shoppers tried awkwardly to pass me. My daughters we both established and doing great and I adored my Grandchildren and suddenly the realization that my primary job and worry for the past 34 years was completed. I was now in Parental Retirement.
That was the spring of 2019 and it was also the first time since I was 19 years old that I was not responsible for another persons well-being. I was no only responsible for my well-being! I told my friend Jolene about my a few weeks later while hiking about my experience. Having a previous post-teen and teen at home it quickly dawned on her that she was also reaching Parental Retirement soon. We spent our hiking talking about things we enjoyed doing long ago, before kids and of things we'd always wanted to do. I drew a blank, Jolene on the other had a idea just waiting for the opportunity to happen. That was the day our FTA Backpacking journey began!
Find What Moves You and Hit the Trail!
We left my house at 6 am. Our morning goal was to hit the trailhead by 8 am and reach our destination by 4 pm.
Once we reached the trailhead, nervously put on our packs, grabbed our hiking poles and posed for our first ever before backpacking picture: We were off! I was pleasantly surprised by how easily my pack fit and that the 30 lbs on my back was not as daunting of a task as I'd expected it to be. (check out my reviews to learn why) No! it was not easy but it was going to be doable!
Pinochet National Forest Trail 31A is 20+ miles out and back mostly flat hike that runs along the Lewis River and Alltrails rates as easy. We did encounter some pretty steep ups and downs and a few narrow trails with steep drop offs, it was a great beginner trail. Challenging enough to push us but not so much as to discourage us. Our plan for the day was to hike into Lower Falls, set up camp and then continue with day packs to Upper Falls, another 7 out and back.
We cruised along for the first 5 or so miles, stopping occasionally to rest and east one of the many snacks we had brought (we both over snacked packed) By mile 7 both Jolene and I were reaching our "It has got to STOP" place. We were both mentally and physically at our breaking point and we still had 3 miles to go and no camp areas in sight. Instead of taking a break we took a stop! After a good rest and a positive mental break we hit the trail mostly uphill.
Our last 3 miles were slow, grumpy and ultimately successful. We reached Lower Falls, found us a campsite and slowly set up camp.
As a kid I did a lot of tent camping but as an adult I've been more of a hotel kind of girl. Yes! I was nervous about sleeping on the hard ground in the wilderness with the wild animals all around. Squirrels can be terrifying.
Even though Scott was there it was my responsibility to set my tent up. Jolene had practiced setting her up before hand. Not me, I'm more of a fly by the seat of the pants. After way to long and far to many tries I finally got my tent up and my gear unpacked. It was time to eat and relax.
We spent the rest of the evening around the fire and talking about the day, our aches and pains and if we'd make it another 10 miles to reach the truck the next day. By 9 PM we were in our tents and ready to call it a day. I was surprised how well I slept on my inflatable air mattress while using my mummy sack as a blanket. A good hike and fresh air is a great way to get a good night sleep.
Heading Out
After a breakfast of Biscuits and Gravy which tasted great and black coffee which was terrible, we broke camp and slowly put our packs back on and hit trail 31A in reverse. I was sore and my pack felt a little heavier but I was ready to go. 3 miles in I felt a blister forming on my foot. Fortunately we had a first-aid kit with a needle and I was able to drain and bandage it. I crossed my fingers I would make it out, which I did with no other issues. Our trek out was slow, but successful.
Once back to the truck, we loaded up and headed home. While Scott drove we planned our next trip. Just the two of us! No Support!